Game Programming, AI Programming, Tools Programming, Audio Implementation
Near-Field Gladitor
An arena fighter with a magnet based weapon
Project Description:
Near-Field Gladitor is an arena fighter made in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2019. The player weilds a magnet that, when activated, pulls a large, spinning glaive towards them. Players must use this weapon to fight off a few different types of enemies, of which they can only see the closest, while also avoiding hitting themselves with the weapon. Upon submission to the jam Near-Field Gladitor was ranked #80 overall by player ratings.
Personal Contributions:
- Programmed the enemy AI
- Implemented a small editor tool to easily create waves of enemies and levels
- Implemented all sounds and effects
I really enjoyed what came out of this project. I was working in Unity at NeuroScouting at the time so mostly I wanted to try out using what I'd learned from them. That happened to be making the enemies since most of what I learned beyond syntax was how to use OOD principles in Unity and an enemy system seemed to me the best chance to apply that. I was also doing some audio work for them so I took on implementing the audio made by our awesome artist. Looking back I wish we had spent a bit more time making more of a progression to the game to keep people engaged beyond the first few minutes.