Game Programming, Gameplay Scripting, Audio Implementation

Dogs Day

A narrative game about lost dogs

Project Description:

Dogs Day is an interactive fiction about a lonely man who finds some lost dogs and has to return them home. It was originally made in 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2019 and was then finished later in the year.

Personal Contributions

  • Created a simple dialogue system with audio triggers.
  • Implemented the dialogue triggers using text assets.
  • Found and implemented audio assets
  • Finshed implementing narrative in free time after the jam.


Usually I like working on games that have some lower level systems that I can work on, but with Dogs Day I really was pulled in by the narrative and passion of the artists making the pitch. While it might not have been the most interesting game to work on from a programming standpoint, I still very much enjoyed implementing the story and bringing my artists' vision to life, which is why I came back later in the year to finish the game. This project is also the first I dabbled into doing some light audio implementation and sparked my interest that I would further expand on other projects and jobs. One thing I would change in the process of making this game would be putting more thought into the level design as I found it pretty easy to just get lost and not know where to go next.

January/November 2019